Post by ilovefishstick on Jun 25, 2005 23:43:30 GMT -5
I think my betta, Fishstick, is camera shy. Everytime I try to take a picture he hides behind his plant or hidey-thingy. Only a couple of times he will actually go right in front of the camera. He also gets mad at me when I forget to feed him. He'll flare his gills at me until I do. Then he's satistfied. =)
Post by ickyfishywishy on Jun 27, 2005 6:53:37 GMT -5
my betta bleu loves flaring at me when i put my face against his bowl he just sits there with his face against the glass flaring his gills as hard as he can both of us are trying to get on each others nerves! and like briggs said he poops as he flares lool thats what they call "scared $*&@less" lol
Junior Bubble Nester
Posts: 213
Post by Flurry on Jun 27, 2005 9:10:56 GMT -5
My new guy, who's nameless, likes to swim up and down, flapping his mouth at me, like he's talking. And the fact that he has a teal spot above his mouth on his brown head, makes him look like he has a beak. He's not shy at all even though I've only had him for two days. He ate that evening that I got him, and is always up and about when I'm in the room, doing his little dance and flapping his mouth. And unlike ilovefishstick's betta, he's not camera shy
Post by bettamaster on Jun 29, 2005 21:27:37 GMT -5
Wel, well, well, where do I start? OK Here it goes... Pippin is the most loyal and handsome betta in the world (to me :-)) On days where I forget to feed him and his betta gang, he comes up near me and displays. He struts and struts and thinks I'll feed him if I'm satisfied. I do :-) Pippin loves the camera. He struts when I take a picture but often the picture is blurred Forgive my bad skills of photography... But when Pippin sees a girl, he completely forgets about the dude who feeds him (me, duh) He neverendlessly struts his stuff for the girl, and no girl ignored him ever since. His red is intense and pure, which woos the girls.... ;D Then he starts right on with the bubblenest. He has a styrofoam cup full of bubbles right now ;-) The girl can't wait till she gets to Pippin.... Well, you gotta admit some bettas are rough! Pippin almost killed this female three months ago! She was tattered and cottony, but she's still alive. Pippin's hobby is to chase girls around... ;D Shelob, named after the spider in Lord of the Rings Three is as tough as the spider. She's pure red and fat with eggs. She's waiting to be bred with Pippin.... Shelob is picky; she won't eat Hikari Betta Pellets or Daphnia! She only likes live brine shrimp and bloodworms. It takes me all that time to prepare... Jaxx, the fiercest plakat you've ever seen is as gentle as a leaf, with my finger. He daintily eats bloodworms off my finger and slurps the juice on it too. I get a free finger wash as well. But, like Pippin, Jaxx is rough with girls. I won't go into depth with that... Jaxx loves everything. He'll attack a pencil or eat arowana food! He isn't a picky eater at all! Nice fish.... ;D Margarita, now stripped down to ugliness, thanks to Pippin is healing. She's weird! She makes bubblenests (small) then she slurps them up! She used to be the prettiest betta, but no! The careless apprentice (me) but her in with the rough Pippin and now she looks like a cave troll! Sorry I was just exaggerating... She likes playing with her balled up poop and she eats worms and pellets and b shrimp. She's a little picky, but not as picky as Shelob. Finally, the prettiest betta in the whole wide world, Ole Rosie. She is ony 11/4 years old and she's a crowntail gal. She has a pure pink body with perfect crowntail brick red fins. he has a gentle face with a friendly smile and is as interactive as Pippin. She is fat with eggs... She thinks daphnia are poop, she eats bloodworms, b shrimp, a pellets. Ole Rosie likes flaring at the guppy fry (she's in a seperate container in the fry tank) and displaying at me. When I put my face near the tank she slowly swims to me, "smiles" at me, and then she displays. But when my sister puts her face near the tank, Rosie gets scared Well I have bragged enough and enough is my bragging with my humble bettas.
Post by ickyfishywishy on Jul 3, 2005 17:44:13 GMT -5
well i bought myself 3 bettas this weekend and one of them was just sooooo misrable between my other bettas he just floats at the corner of his tank all day, then i thought of taking him to the living room and thats where i discoverd i have a [glow=red,2,300]PEOPLE FISH[/glow] hes so happy between the family and his stress lines even went away ;D now this is a first for me!
"Betta" than ever!
Posts: 12
Post by minni1 on Jul 4, 2005 9:53:28 GMT -5
I'm a newbie owner, so please bear with me; I always knew betta males flared their fins when placed within sight of another male. I didn't know, until this morning, that they also have these little "beards" apparently from the bottom of their gills, that flare as well! How adorable,ooops I mean "fierce" they look!